botulinum toxin injections for anti-wrinkle & sweat reduction
Anti-wrinkle injections are commonly used to help restore a younger, fresher look to the face and is suitable for both men and women of all ages although usually most effective in the 25 to 70 age group.

Botulinum Toxin commonly used for treating the crow’s feet wrinkles that appear at the corners of the eyes as well as the horizontal lines on the forehead and vertical lines between the eyebrows.
Earth & Beauty offers Advanced Anti Wrinkle injections and Sweat Reduction injections which means there is even more amazing things that can be done with this versatile product.

Botulinum Toxin injections can help to control the symptoms of severe underarm sweating when other treatments have not been successful. Botulinum Toxin is injected into the skin and works by temporarily blocking the chemical signals from the nerves that stimulate the sweat glands.
The Brow Lift works by carefully placing Botulinum Toxin between the eyebrow. Small injections of Botulinum Toxin are also administered into the forehead muscles (called the frontalis muscle) to create an overall smoothing effect, while elevating the eyebrows thanks to the relaxed muscles pulling them up.
Treating the masseter, sometimes called 'Jaw Botox', treats several conditions caused by tightened masseter muscles. This includes teeth grinding, clenching, jaw pain, and headaches. Masseter treatments is also used for cosmetic purposes to slim the face down by reducing the size of the jaw muscles.
Bunny Lines are the wrinkles that appear when the nose is scrunched up. During youth, these lines tend to disappear and become gradually more pronounced as people age. This is because skin loses collagen and elasticity, making it harder for facial muscles to bounce back after any facial expressions. It should be noted that some people are more likely to get bunny lines due to their genetics and the way they scrunch their faces up.
Botulinum Toxin does not “raise” or lift the tip of the nose. Instead, it relaxes the muscle that pulls the nasal tip downward. Botulinum Toxin is a neuromodulator that can relax targeted muscles for 3-4 months by blocking nerve signals. For non-surgical treatment to raise the nasal tip, Botulinum Toxin injections target the depressor septi nasi muscle, usually placed right at the base of the septum. It can take up to a week to two weeks for the complete results to be apparent, allowing the nasal tip to rise slightly as the muscle is relaxed. This is what is known as 'Nasal Tip Lift'.
For a Nasal Flare correction, Botulinum Toxin is injected into the nostrils, causing them to relax and appear slimmer. The Toxin will keep the nostrils from flaring during facial expressions and smiling. It is injected into the dilator nasalis muscle and can make the nose appear more narrow.
Do you have a Downturned Mouth? Botulinum Toxin is beneficial for relaxing the muscle pulling the corners of your mouth downwards. By injecting directly into the depressor anguli oris muscle, the toxin blocks the transition of chemical messages sent from the nerve to cause the muscle to contract.
A Botulinum Toxin Lip Flip involves the precise placement of just a few units of Botulinum Toxin along the upper lip muscle, and cupids bow at certain points, near the border, to relax and ‘flip’ the lip to make the lip much more visible. This results in a fuller, plumper, but natural-appearing upper lip. When injecting Botulinum Toxin into the orbicularis oris muscle (which is the muscle surrounding the lips), the effect is that the targeted muscle relaxes. Using Botulinum Toxin to perform a Lip Flip can help relax the muscle, therefore allowing the lip to flip upwards, creating a poutier look. Over the following weeks the upper lip will appear larger and fuller.

Smokers Lines a.k.a. Vertical Lip Lines can be treated by using precise administration of Botulinum Toxin injections into the fine dynamic facial muscles around the mouth. These anti-wrinkle injections can be used to prevent lines from developing or deepening, or to soften existing lines.
A Gummy Smile can easily and effectively be treated with Botulinum Toxin. The best part of this treatment is that it is not invasive and it is a quick procedure. Botulinum Toxin can relax the muscles in the upper lip and limit the rise of the upper lip when smiling, so the gums will remain covered. Two or more units of Botulinum Toxin are injected in the area between the nose and upper lip to reduce the appearance of any “gummy” smile, creating a more appealing and natural smile.
Dimpling and wrinkling in your chin can be part of the natural aging process of our face. While there’s no medical cause for concern if you have a dimply orange peel texture on your chin, you might feel self-conscious or like it makes you look older than you are. For a Dimpled Chin, Botulinum Toxin temporarily limits the movement of muscles underneath the layers of your skin, can be used to smooth out the appearance of wrinkles on the lower part of your jaw.
A well-defined jawline and a long appearing neck have always been regarded as signs of beauty. As you may have guessed it from the name of the procedure, these features have been popular in human societies since the time of the ancient Egyptians. Queen Nefertiti’s bone structure has been admired from then, up until this day, hence the coining of the phrase, as it creates a well-toned, lifted jawline and smoothed neck. The Nefertiti Neck Lift is also sometimes referred to as simply the ‘Nefertiti Lift’ or a ‘Botox Face Lift’.
Many clients opt for anti-wrinkle injections as a treatment for wrinkles as there’s no surgery involved and it doesn’t result in scarring. Plus, there’s very little time required for recovery. That said, you should only go ahead with anti-wrinkle injections once you’ve weighed up the pros and cons, and had a detailed consultation with us to determine whether this treatment is right for you.

What about after the treatment?

Some bruising and a headache can be expected. Earth & Beauty will ensure that clients are given the correct aftercare advice and will be available for follow up support if required.
Your aftercare advice will be provided in paper format, as well as being available on our website 24/7.
aftercare advice

To read aftercare advice for this treatment, be sure to check out the Aesthetics Aftercare Advice Page -
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